Catholic Prayers for Everyday Life


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Welcome to our collection of Catholic prayers designed for your needs. They will give you hope and a stronger connection to God’s love and support.

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Prayers with Saints Prayers for your life Victory Over Evil More


Prayers with Saints

Chaplet of St. Michael and the 9 Choirs of Angels

Chaplet of St. Michael and the 9 Choirs of Angels

Rosary of the Angels In the 1750s, Saint Michael the Archangel appeared to Servant of God Antonia d'Astonac, a Portuguese Carmelite nun. In one of these visions, he taught her this chaplet of nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. Saint Michael promised that those who faithfully recite this...
Consecrate Your Marriage to Mary

Consecrate Your Marriage to Mary

~ Ark of the Covenant ~ When you consecrate your marriage to the Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ , the adapted Hail Mary prayer below can be a game-changer. All marriages are under attack by the devil because by dividing it can conquer. The devil wants to usurp God the Father by becoming the father...
Daily Prayers and Saint Quotes

Daily Prayers and Saint Quotes

Heroes of the Faith A Saint to pray with and Daily Saint quotes for each day of the year: These faith-builders will help you grow in joyful holiness. { Jump down to the Calendar of Saints } Sign up free for Daily Saints: Heroes of the Faith. You'll receive daily prayers with inspirational...
Fragrance Prayer by Saint John Newman

Fragrance Prayer by Saint John Newman

Jesus, be the Light that others see when they look at me Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance wherever I am. Fill my heart with your Spirit and your life. Penetrate my being and take such hold of me that my life becomes a radiation of your own life. Give your light through me and remain...
Our Lady of Miracles Virtual Shrine for Meditation

Our Lady of Miracles Virtual Shrine for Meditation

Welcome to the Marian Shrine at Good News Ministries in Tampa. Entrust your prayers to Jesus through the loving partnership of Mary, our Blessed Mother. Use this video and the music in it as a background for your Christian meditations while you watch the candle burn down. (Scroll to the bottom of this...
Our Magnificat

Our Magnificat

The Greatness of the Lord How much does your soul joyfully proclaim the greatness of the Lord? Mary's Magnificat (see Luke 1:46-56) is a powerful prayer that we can use whenever we're rejoicing in a blessing received or when we're depressed by the need for blessings that we have not yet received. My...
Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary

Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary

This prayer to Saint Joseph was composed by Pope Leo XIII and was promulgated in his 1889 encyclical, Quamquam Pluries . This is the same pope who composed the well-known prayer to St. Michael the Archangel ("defend us in battle..."). Pope Leo XIII asked that this prayer to St. Joseph be added to...
Powerful daily prayers to enhance your day

Powerful daily prayers to enhance your day

Powerful morning prayers to start your day Enhance your day with these powerful, Catholic daily prayers. Pray along with Terry Modica's voice for an enhanced experience of daily prayer time. It includes a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Angelus, Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles, intercessions,...
Pray for St. Michael the Archangel's Help

Pray for St. Michael the Archangel's Help

The story behind the Prayer to Saint Michael According the story* that's been told about how the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel became part of the Catholic culture, Pope Leo XIII had just finished celebrating Mass with the Cardinals. Suddenly, he fell to the floor in a deep faint. Physicians...
Prayer of Sorrow for the Blessed Mother

Prayer of Sorrow for the Blessed Mother

Offer up this prayer in reparation for the sins of the whole Church. O Blessed Mother! What have we done? We have nailed your Son into the Cross. We have not loved those that the Father has given us to love. We are blind, We are fools, We are controlled by the pains of our wounds  instead ...
Prayer to Mary, Mother of Victory

Prayer to Mary, Mother of Victory

This prayer obtains the help of Mary our Mother because she is very concerned about our problems. She wants to help us, as a good mother always does, to turn to Christ and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. She aids us in receiving Christ's victory and therefore is the Mother of Victory. This can be...
Prayer to St. Joseph to Obtain a Conversion

Prayer to St. Joseph to Obtain a Conversion

O Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, who merited to be called "just" by the Holy Spirit, I urgently commend to you the soul of [Name], whom Jesus redeemed at the price of His Precious Blood. I ask you to obtain a conversion for him/her. You know how deplorable is the state of and how unhappy is the life...
Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles

Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles

O Virgin of Miracles, take my heart and unite it to your Immaculate Heart. Deliver my innermost yearnings to the Sacred Heart of your Son Jesus and to His mercy and to the power of your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, in Whom everything worthy of the Kingdom of God is possible. O Virgin of Miracles,...
Prayers to Saints who stop plagues

Prayers to Saints who stop plagues

These stories reveal what's possible for those who believe that all of God's words are true. Saint Joseph Among all the Saints who are known to stop plagues, the first and most important one to turn to is Saint Joseph. As the one who had the responsibility to father the child Jesus, he is our father...
Saint Joseph for your home and family

Saint Joseph for your home and family

Saint Joseph is taking into his “home” — into his fatherly care — anyone who asks for his help. When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. (Matthew 1:24 NIV) Just as Mary is our spiritual mother, Joseph is our spiritual father. He fath...
Sit With Mary (A Meditation)

Sit With Mary (A Meditation)

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is there anything you fear – something you're afraid won't happen or might happen? What's making you weary? Worried? Heartbroken? Are you grieving from feeling alone and isolated? Sit with Mary. In this meditation, I will guide you through a series of images through which y...

Prayers for your life

Be Satisfied With Me

Be Satisfied With Me

Know that I love utterly. I Am God. Believe it and be satisfied. Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, To have a deep soul relationship with another, To be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God, to a Christian, says, "No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content With...
Caregiver's prayer when caring for someone with dementia

Caregiver's prayer when caring for someone with dementia

Every family member or friend you know who has dementia or needs a caregiver for any reason is Jesus on his cross. That man, that woman whose brain is being stripped of the life it once had is Jesus stripped of his clothing to be crucified. Those who can no longer handle their finances properly, no longer...
Have an Intimate Conversation with Jesus

Have an Intimate Conversation with Jesus

Open your prayer life to this intimate conversation you can have with Jesus. Speak to Me, My precious one! I want to have a conversation with you. Tell Me about those who are closest to you, the sorrows they cause you, and your fears for them. How would you like Me to help them? And what...
How to Crochet Rosary Beads

How to Crochet Rosary Beads

Here's a rosary you can carry in your pocket -- crochet it, and it will never tangle or break! MATERIALS: Use thin yarn or crochet cotton, with small needle (such as size B). TO MAKE THE CROSS: Chain (ch) 9 stitches, double crochet (dc) in 5th ch from hook, ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch, ch...
Litany of the Father’s Heart

Litany of the Father’s Heart

Father, First Person of the Most Holy Trinity,       Thank you for creating me to be your beloved child. Father of the only-begotten Son,       Thank you for loving me so much that you sent your Son to die for me. Father who, with the Son, sends me love in the Person of the Holy Spirit,       Thank you for ...
Novena to Jesus Our Joy

Novena to Jesus Our Joy

Our 9-day prayer to Jesus Our Joy is based on John 15:9-17 Jesus said... "As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.... I am telling you this so that you may have my joy in you and that your joy may be complete. This...
Novena to the Holy Spirit

Novena to the Holy Spirit

"This is the mystery of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit illuminates the human spirit and, by revealing Christ Crucified and Risen, indicates the way to become more like him, that is, to be 'the image and instrument of the love which flows from Christ.'" (Pope Benedict XVI, June 4, 2006) OPENING PRAYER...
Prayer for God's Guidance

Prayer for God's Guidance

Dear God, I get up every morning now, and thank You for another day. As I shower I always pray. I think of You and there You are, telling me what You want me to know. Then I get ready with the day's scripture reading; You always have more to say. I never leave the house, before I kneel down...
Prayer of Divine Illumination

Prayer of Divine Illumination

You have loved ones who have left the Catholic Faith. We all do. You know people who have embraced the lies of the Devil without realizing that they have endangered their lives here on earth as well as their immortal souls. Some of these deceived people are even in the Church -- even in the hierarchy....
Prayer to Overcome the Messes We Made

Prayer to Overcome the Messes We Made

No matter what messes we've made with our lives , Jesus is standing by, ready and eager to help us rise above them. God loves to make good come from everything -- even our messes! It shows us how much he really cares about us.   O Lord what a mess we make of our lives! We see You but...
Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

"This is the mystery of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit illuminates the human spirit and, by revealing Christ Crucified and Risen, indicates the way to become more like him, that is, to be 'the image and instrument of the love which flows from Christ.'" (Pope Benedict XVI, June 4, 2006) Dear Father...
Prayers for Parents

Prayers for Parents

Parents have an unending ministry of praying for their children. At times it can be heartbreaking. We offer prayers here that may aid parents in their ministry as prayer warriors. Post Your Prayer Request Who’s causing you to suffer because they have turned away from Christ and perhaps e...
Prayers to calm hurricanes and other natural disasters

Prayers to calm hurricanes and other natural disasters

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy, for in you my soul is taking refuge. In the shadow of your wings I take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. (Psalm 57:2) Father God, all the elements of nature obey your command. Calm the storms and hurricanes that threaten us, relieve the droughts,...
Rejected: Did You Feel This Way, Jesus?

Rejected: Did You Feel This Way, Jesus?

Did you ever feel so rejected, Lord, Your love so neglected, Lord, Before your ministry began, Before your baptism into the Spirit of Divine Mission? Did you ever feel the pain of a friend leaving you Or a relative refusing to care about you While you lived the human journey like I do, While...
Rosaries for Personal Hope and Healing

Rosaries for Personal Hope and Healing

There is much prayer power in the Rosary, because you are offering up the sacrifice of your time, sending it into the Immaculate and Loving Heart of the Blessed Mother of Christ, who adds her prayers to yours and sends them to His Sacred Heart that was pierced for love of you. Jesus then intercedes...
Spiritual Communion when you can't go to Mass

Spiritual Communion when you can't go to Mass

Receive Jesus with these prayers when church is unavailable Here's how to make a ‘Spiritual Communion’ when unable to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It may be adapted for personal and family use. Gather with others in your household and begin a time of prayer with the Sig...
Stations of the Cross by GNM Artists

Stations of the Cross by GNM Artists

"A dream-come-true of mine is for various artists who read my Good News Reflections to contribute their talents for the Stations of the Cross. The idea is to represent the globalness and diversity of the Catholic Church while honoring Christ." ~ Terry Modica, Co-founder and Director of Good News Ministries...
The "Our Father" Prayer

The "Our Father" Prayer

Part 1: Deeper Meanings The "Our Father" Prayer Part 2: Do I Really Mean What I Pray? Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said, "Praying the Our Father and living it will lead us toward saintliness. The Our Father contains everything: God, ourselves, our neighbors...." Examine how well you live...
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

God’s Promise ~ God’s Plan The Story of the Image The image of God’s Promise ~ God’s Plan , honoring the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, was given to an acolyte serving at a Mass at a California parish on March 16, 2019 in celebration of the Second Sunday of Lent. The image was given as the pri...
The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross

Pray our Stations of the Cross to find relief for your own sufferings. Embrace your trials as union with Jesus on the journey to glory.  You are entering into an interactive prayer experience.  At the end, you will be able to download a printable PDF copy of this. Our sufferings have eternal v...
Vigil of the Night

Vigil of the Night

In the sleeplessness of the dark night You are with me, Lord, A comfort to my soul. Your love is a pillow for my head Though the trials of the day swirl and pull my attention from the peace You give. In the sleeplessness of the dark night I am with You, Lord, Sharing in your deep concerns For...

Online RetreatsSee also our online
virtual prayer retreats


Prayers for Victory Over Evil

Consecration to Mary, Defeater of Satan

Consecration to Mary, Defeater of Satan

This Consecration to Mary uses a demon-conquering adaptation of the Hail Mary. To be used with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, each decade covers a different, specific area of the battlefield. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed...
Miracles from the Rosary of Liberation

Miracles from the Rosary of Liberation

Miracles from the Rosary of Liberation During Lent in 2018, we hosted an email prayer community of people who choose to make sacrifices of prayer for loved ones who are away from the Church or away from Jesus completely. We used the Rosary of Liberation, which can be found on our website at
Pray for St. Michael the Archangel's Help

Pray for St. Michael the Archangel's Help

The story behind the Prayer to Saint Michael According the story* that's been told about how the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel became part of the Catholic culture, Pope Leo XIII had just finished celebrating Mass with the Cardinals. Suddenly, he fell to the floor in a deep faint. Physicians...
Pray the "Our Father" for Victory Over Evil

Pray the "Our Father" for Victory Over Evil

The "Our Father" prayer is not just a formula that Jesus gave us when the disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. It's a prayer that has such richness and depth to it, we can use it as the foundation for a longer, meditative prayer. We can incorporate into it whatever is on our hearts to lift...
Prayer for Peace Amidst a Multitude of Storms

Prayer for Peace Amidst a Multitude of Storms

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, I place my trust in you. Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us. O Virgin Most Powerful, cast far away from me the evil spirits that seek to corrupt my trust in Our Lord, confuse my faith in His goodness and Providence, and weaken my love for...
Prayer For Release From Ancestral Curses

Prayer For Release From Ancestral Curses

This prayer for setting your family free from ancestral curses was revealed to Barnabas Nwoye by Our Lord. His book of messages was approved by Rev. Stephen Obikuwu in July 1999 and has received an official Nihil Obstat.  The official book of prayers dictated to Barnabas by Jesus received an Imprimatur ...
Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons

Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons

The Prayer of Authority is a mighty and highly effective weapon against evil strategies and demonic interference. It's so beneficial and it's so important in today's world that we should use it at the beginning of each day. Here is a suggestion for how to do that by surrounding it with other important...
Prayer of reparation for evils in the Church

Prayer of reparation for evils in the Church

What to do about idolatry in the Church Bishop Athanasius Schneider, in an October 26 open letter , called on all Catholics — bishops, priests and laity — to offer acts of reparation, protest and correction for the use of pagan statues in an October 4 Vatican Gardens ceremony for the Amazon Synod, pro...
Prayer to Wear the Armor of God

Prayer to Wear the Armor of God

Dressed for Battle Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask you to help me wear the full armor of God, as described in Ephesians 6:10-17. My loins are girded in Truth , because I have chosen to imitate Jesus Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am growing...
Rosary of Liberation

Rosary of Liberation

Here's where you can pray for your loved ones to be set free from evil. Who in your life is away from the Church or away from Jesus completely? Who needs liberation from negative moods or spirits, addictions, bad habits, rebellion, or uncertainty about God's will? Who needs help in finding the freedom...
Saint Patrick's Breastplate for spiritual battles

Saint Patrick's Breastplate for spiritual battles

The prayer known as Saint Patrick's Breastplate is part of the Liber Hymnorum or The Book of Hymns, a collection of forty hymns in Latin and Irish. It's also called Saint Patrick’s Lorica for its power to protect. Lorica , in Latin, means breastplate and refers to ancient armor worn to protect t...
Zechariah's Canticle as a Victory Prayer

Zechariah's Canticle as a Victory Prayer

Based on Luke 1:68-79 The following adaptation of Zechariah's Canticle can be used in private prayer or with family members, parish staff, or other community gatherings. A leader reads the scripture lines, then the rest of the people take turns reading the response (R) and filling in the blanks. ...

See also the WordByte and podcast The 4-Second Prayer that Defeats Satan >>

Download the free ebook
“How to Win Victories in Spiritual Warfare”

How to Win Victories in Spiritual Warfare


Access an online prayer group to join

Access an online prayer group to join

The supernatural faith that we're supposed to have as believers in Christ is most often found inside prayer gatherings. Thanks to the pandemic, many prayer groups meet online now, so we're curating a list of virtual prayer meetings that are open to sharing their faith with people around the world. This...
Add your prayer group

Add your prayer group

The supernatural faith that we're supposed to have as believers in Christ is most often found inside Charismatic (i.e., activated in the charisms of the Holy Spirit) prayer gatherings. Since the pandemic, many prayer groups offer their meetings online, so we're curating a list of online prayer meetings...
Join the 7 Warriors of the Cross

Join the 7 Warriors of the Cross

We need you to complete one of our Warrior teams! It's all about victory: covering all 7 days of the week in the victory of Christ. Pick a day of the week as part of our prayer teams. Join today! You can become a more significant member of Good News Ministries. You know that the world is so...
Join the Good News Prayer Network

Join the Good News Prayer Network

Your prayer support can make a difference! Join the Good News Prayer Network and minister to others by praying for their needs. The Prayer Network also supports Good News Ministries with prayers. Your email address will not be given to anyone else and will not be added to any other Good News Ministries...
Make a Mass Intention

Make a Mass Intention

Good News Ministries and Monsignor Joseph Kimu invite you to give the gift of a Mass Intention. Mass Intentions are a form of intercessory prayer that allow you to join your prayers to a priest's prayers as he offers Mass. A Mass Intention is a gift of prayer that you can give to yourself, a loved...
Post a Prayer Request

Post a Prayer Request

Thank you for entrusting your prayer request(s) to the Good News Prayer Network. We delight in lifting you and your requests up to God in prayer. Please help others by joining any of our Prayer Teams: on the Telegram app (post and pray) on WhatsApp in Facebook (post and pray) as...
Prayer Groups hosted by Good News Ministries

Prayer Groups hosted by Good News Ministries

Join our social media prayer groups! Our members delight in supporting you and your prayer requests. Post and pray on the Telegram app . Pray with us on WhatsApp . Post and pray in our Facebook prayer room .   You may also join our Prayer Teams to pray for the needs of...

For more faith-building resources: go to GNM’s home page >>